According to DNV-RP-F110, the integrity of a pipeline susceptible to buckling can be assured by either restraining the pipeline, thus sustaining large axial compressive forces, or
releasing them through a combination of pipeline displacements; lateral buckles. Buckling may be rogue in nature or engineered at predetermined locations, either of which must
demonstrate compliance to DNV OS F101. Engineered lateral buckles are a cost effective way to manage for example HP/HT pipelines as opposed to the construction of restraint designs.
However, uncertainty in the initial buckle formation process and buckle behaviour may reduce design reliability; resulting in an increased level of redundancy in a buckle management system.
This paper presents the vision of an engineering tool aimed at providing an integrated single model environment which enables straightforward engineering analysis, with application
to all phases of design, and providing support to operations. Verification of buckling forces and post-buckling configurations is undertaken through comparison with Hobbs and Kerr analytical models and validated against ABAQUS.