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Cash Maple Pipeline Route Survey

Cash Maple Pipeline Route Survey

Atteris provided real time pipeline engineering support to PTTEP during a geophysical survey campaign to determine a subsea pipeline through difficult seabed terrain. Atteris’ expertise was used to ensure that the survey campaign was performed efficiently by assessing the survey data in near real-time and halting survey of infeasible routes before significant survey costs were incurred.
PTTEP is planning to develop the Cash Maple gas field in the Timor Sea off northern Western Australia. One development concept included an export pipeline to a tie-in point on the existing Bayu Undan pipeline. Atteris was engaged to provide pipeline engineering support during the preliminary geophysical survey campaign for the Cash Maple gas export pipeline, with an Atteris pipeline engineer on board the survey vessel.
Work Performed by Atteris

Atteris’ pipeline engineering team defined the route corridor for survey and, once offshore, guided PTTEP’s survey contractor to successfully define a technically feasible pipeline route from the proposed Cash Maple Central Processing Platform to the Bayu Undan export pipeline. Atteris’ key achievements and activities before, during and after the survey included:

  • Minimised the requirement for future seabed intervention
  • Short-listed a number of technically feasible pipeline crossing routes across a number of steep Palaeolithic valleys.
  • Avoided potential hazards and obstacles along the proposed pipeline route
  • Assessed bottom roughness and conducted VIV and fatigue screening in close to real time using the newly acquired bathymetry data.
  • Conducted sensitivity analysis’ on the pipeline diameter, wall thickness, CWC thickness and allowable span lengths and bend radii.
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